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Hell Warders Streamers Alpha

Updated: Jun 19, 2018

Hey Hell Streamers! We sent an exclusive invite for our pre-alpha to our supporters last week and we were met with an overwhelmingly positive response. I would like to thank everyone for responding to the invite - it was more than we ever hoped for. We would like to tell everyone the instructions for alpha access and also the Alpha test rewards!

Streamers Alpha Instructions:

Currently, we're personally arranging play sessions with streamers!

  • Form a group (3-4 players) - Hell Warders is a team game and currently is only balanced for group play. We would really appreciate it if you can party up (inviting friends / finding players on our Discord) 

  • Request access from General Key - General Key will personally arrange for an exclusive private testing session with your team and provide all the details to access and login to the game 

  • Get ready to Play and Stream - We would love to see your initial responses to the game.

Streamers Alpha Rewards:

We would love to show our thanks and gratitude to everyone who has participated in the Streamers Alpha. We know that it might be difficult initially to get access to the Alpha, so we would like to offer our rewards to everyone who has volunteered on our Discord channel

  • Hellstreamer Badge - Everyone who has volunteered will get @Hellstreamer status on our Discord Channel. On top of that, once the game has been released, all @Hellstreamers will get a special in-game badge to show that have participated and contributed to the development of the game. This badge will be exclusive those who have participated in the alpha and will not be available by any other means. 

  • Beta Access - @Hellstreamers will get invited back to participate in next round of action in the Hell Warders Beta.

  • Influence the development of the game - We take feedback very seriously and by providing us with feedback, you'll help the shape the game to something you would love. 

Upcoming Events

We would love to do a bigger test where everyone can play at the same time. Currently, we are waiting on a few server upgrades before we can start larger test sessions. We're hoping this will be completed in the next few weeks. 


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